Mystery Revolves Around Box Full Of Memories Found In Roseville

ROSEVILLE (CBS13) — A box turned up with a treasure trove of photos and letters, some written by a soldier to his parents in World War II, and Roseville police are trying to find where it belongs.

A crew clearing a former homeless encampment alongside Antelope Creek in Roseville had an unusual find on Thursday.

"We said this is something that definitely needs to be taken care of; we need to try and find the owners," said Officer Derek Anganes.

The ivory box in perfect condition had 30 letters ranging from the 1920s to the 1970s. Some were letters from a soldier writing home to his parents.

The name Johnson showed up a lot.

"It looks like there was a James Johnson, a World War II veteran, who has brothers and sisters," he said.

There are also a number of family members who were in the medical profession.

Several key locations, including Yreka, Kelso and Longview, were mentioned.

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