Alfred Angelo Closure Leaves Brides Scrambling For Dresses

ROSEVILLE (CBS13) — You've heard about runaway brides, but how about a runaway bridal shop that's causing a matrimony fiasco nationwide.

"Starting all over was just kind of a daunting thought," said Michelle Martin who bought her dress at Alfred Angelo more than six months ago.

"With everything I've been through in my adult life I am just ecstatic to be reaching this point," she said.

But just one week before for her fairytale wedding in Foresthill, her dream dress was nearly trashed.

"I saw something on Facebook that the stores had closed, so of course I panicked," she said.

All across the country brides like Martin, who flew to Roseville from Seattle, were hearing the news Alfred Angelo was shutting down.

"Calling brides left and right, 'I can't be there in 20 minutes what do you expect me to do?'" said Jennifer Baker Blackman who owns the Enchanted Bridal Shoppe in Fair Oaks.

She wanted to see what was happening with the Roseville store. When she arrived, she found devastated brides and knew she had to do something.

"We just decided, let's take them. Because if we don't take them today then they are never going to get their dresses," she said.

She put them up in her shop, and the word got out.

"I heard that some of the dresses are going to this enchanted bridal and I didn't know the person at all, and it was a huge group, so I thought I'll try that," said Martin.

And sure enough, she not only reunited dresses with more than a dozen brides, but Martin who's big day is Friday.

"To find out that it was there, great; it was great," she said.

But others weren't so lucky.

"She paid $2000 for her dress and the veil, and the only thing she is going to get is her veil that's in this bag," Jennifer said.

Thousands of dresses gone and thousands of brides left broken hearted.

"The fact that they just ran business as usual until they just closed one day. Like they knew about this. There's no way didn't know about this and to just treat your brides and your staff especially this way, I just couldn't even imagine," Jennifer said.

Martin is forever grateful to Jennifer and her store.

"Some people take forever to find it, others find it quickly, but once you find that dress it's pretty important," Martin said.

But she believes when you find your forever person, the dress is just an addition.

"The dress is the cherry on top for sure," she said.

She just hopes it's a happy ever after for those scammed out of a dress.

The owner of Enchanted Bridal in Fair Oaks isn't taking money, but asking brides to make donations to a non-profit called My Sisters House.

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