Voice Of The Voters: Lawrence County Voters Weighing Many Issues Ahead Of Presidential Election

For the latest story in our "Voice of the Voter" series, KDKA's Nicole Ford heads to Lawrence County to talk to voters about what issues they think matter most.

NEW CASTLE (KDKA) -- In the June 2020 primary, 48,078 people were registered to vote in the primary, but there is no dominant political party as voters told KDKA it's split down the middle.

"I count signs all the time and coming out of Lawrence County, they are about even," said Patty Angermier, who lives in New Wilmington.

KDKA hit the road to find out if the voters felt the state would go blue or red this time around for the 2020 General Election.

"I'm a retired, older veteran and that's how I feel, that doesn't mean the young people in the country feel that way," said Robert Moses, who lives in New Castle. "I'm worried about the country, of course, the COVID is one thing, but the politics is just as bad."


Some of voters have already made up their mind on former Vice President Joe Biden or President Donald Trump, but others said the decision will come down to the issues.

"Whether it's pro-life, pro-choice, whether it's Second Amendment gun rights," Angermier said.

"We had excellent healthcare, so I want everyone to have healthcare, that's very important; and social programs that will help children, I was a teacher," said Ramona Nathan, who says she is voting for Biden.

"I'm looking for someone who can protect us without going into a complete police state," said Kenneth Cole, who lives in New Castle.

The decision of which way the voters go in Lawrence County will be made at the polls.

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