Mt. Lebanon Residents Reacting Positively To Archery Hunt Plan

MOUNT LEBANON (KDKA) – Mount Lebanon's controversial deer-culling was once again at the forefront of a meeting Tuesday night.

During the meeting, commissioners voted to authorize a vetted archery hunt to control the growing deer population.

Bird Park is one of the places in Mount Lebanon where you are bound to find an ample amount of deer. It's also one of the places where the previous measures to cull the deer earlier this year failed.

For some residents, hearing that commissioners are moving ahead with archery hunting to thin the deer population is welcome news.

"I think it sounds like a good solution. Previously, the plan with the cages and so forth didn't work out. Trying to sterilize the deer is not a good approach and these archers are professionals, they know what they're doing," Gary Schultz said.

A company called White Buffalo will oversee the hunt in the fall. Hunters will be screened and they'll have to stay away from private homes, unless they have permission from homeowners.

The archery program is expected to remove about 100 deer. White Buffalo representatives will be at the next commissioner's meeting in September to explain the details.

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