Get Marty: Hundreds Of Gloves For School Kids

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – It's a common sight on many cold winter mornings, kids waiting for the school bus without their hats or gloves.

One warm-hearted woman has decided she has seen enough, and called KDKA's Marty Griffin to give her a hand.

Dawn Fitzwater's Christmas dream is to provide gloves and hats for nearly 1000 children in the Sto-Rox School District .

She was driving past a bus stop and saw a bunch of shivering kids with no gloves so she started a campaign, one bus stop at a time.

"I seen two little girls at the bus stop, no gloves on. And I was like, that's a fantastic idea. I'm going to go on Facebook and have my friends pick a bus stop around here, and we're gonna donate gloves to the kids," Fitzwater said.

That seemed to work out pretty well, Facebook friends filled boxes with gloves at a drop-off point at a McKees Rocks Rite Aid.

She still needed about 500 pairs of gloves so she decided to Get Marty.

Marty Griffin helped get the word out, and the gloves and donations started pouring in.

Even a shipment from McDonalds.

Meghan Sweeney owns several franchises with her father.

"We just jumped in and helped out, and we just wanted to do good," Sweeney said.

McDonalds folks bought nearly $2-thousand dollars worth of the gloves.

"This is the right thing to do, somebody else had such a wonderful idea, somebody else said I'm gonna take the steps and make it happen. We just get the privilege of supporting her, what a wonderful thing to do," Kelly Ford of McDonalds said.

On Wednesday the gloves will be handed out to students at Sto-Rox, with the extras going to charities.

Other school districts are now looking into the idea.

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