118 Emergency Sirens Being Tested Near Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station

SHIPPINGPORT, Pa. (KDKA) -- Emergency officials will be conducting a test today in Beaver County, and they are advising the public to not be alarmed.

The sirens near the Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station will sound at 9 a.m. for a test.

The alarms signal to residents that they need to tune into their radio and television for Emergency Alert instructions. However, today is only a test.

The Times Online reports that the county is testing all 118 emergency sirens that are in a 10-mile radius of the power station.

The test will last for three minutes. The Times Online reports that the sirens have various signals, but for this test a steady tone will sound.

Testing of the emergency system is required by the federal government. Officials will be observing the test.

Stay with KDKA for the latest on this developing story.

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