Ambridge police turn over evidence to DA after officers criticized for shooting, killing stray dog

Ambridge police facing backlash for shooting, killing lost dog in police parking lot

AMBRIDGE, Pa. (KDKA) -- Ambridge police said they're turning over evidence to the district attorney's office after officers shot and killed a lost dog on Friday. 

Police on Tuesday said they've obtained video evidence, witness statements and reports from officers directly involved in the dog's death. All information will be turned over to the Beaver County District Attorney's Office and police said there will be no more statements while they investigate. 

In a since-deleted Facebook post on Friday, the department posted photos of the lost pit bull mastiff mix going for a ride along and called it "pleasant." Police said they had the dog for two hours but no one came forward.

(Photo: Provided)

When they went to get the dog from a kennel to take her to the Beaver County Humane Society, police said the dog became aggressive and tried to bite an officer's hand. As the officer tried to run away, police said the dog bit him on his knee. 

The dog was closed back into the kennel, but police said when they came back out, the dog had "somehow" escaped and was running loose in the parking lot.

As they tried to catch her, police said she charged at one of the officers, and as she lunged, he "had no choice" but to shoot the dog with his gun. 

Police said they thought the dog was dead by the amount of blood and the lack of movement and used cardboard to cover her, but they later realized she was still breathing and they had to shoot her again to put her down. 

The dog's death was heavily criticized on Facebook, with over 1,400 comments left on Ambridge police's original post detailing what happened. 

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