New Jersey family reunited with loved ones after days-long journey out of Ukraine

New Jersey family reunites with relatives who fled Ukraine

WEEHAWKEN, N.J. -- More than 2.5 million people have fled Ukraine since the start of Russia's invasion, leaving everything behind.

Some made their way to the United States. CBS2's Thalia Perez spoke to a New Jersey family who reunited with their loved ones after a six-day journey out of Kyiv.

For the Ryazanovas, nothing compares to real hugs with Eugene's mom, Galyna, and sister Olena.

After nearly a week on the road and in the air with stops in Moldova, Romania and France, the women arrived safely with Olena's two daughters on Thursday.

"They've seen the most horrible things, so mentally and physically, I didn't know what to expect. But they're just so happy to be here. They're so relieved," Dana Ryazanova said.

Days before their journey began, Olena says the family car was destroyed. She says Russian military opened fire as her husband drove through a town outside of Kyiv. He wasn't hurt, but that was the tipping point.

"We were very scared that where they were staying, they were not safe," Eugene Ryazanova said.

Olena says she left behind her husband and 23-year-old son in Kyiv to fight on the front lines.

"There was lot of uncertainty along the way," Eugene Ryazanova said.

Even more, Eugene says his mom has been fighting her own personal battle.

"Last two years, it has been very difficult for her. She's been fighting cancer," he said.

He shares that Galyna is on a three-month break from chemotherapy treatment for colon cancer, so traveling to the U.S. already had its challenges.

Once out of Ukraine, though, Galyna says there was a silver lining. New friendships were made as total strangers generously opened up their homes and gave them a place to stay.

Although the family says they are always thinking about those they left behind, they are also looking ahead and ready to create even more memories as they begin a brand new chapter in their lives.

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