Embattled Rep. George Santos announces he is running for re-election in 2024

Rep. George Santos announces he will seek reelection

GREAT NECK, N.Y. -- Embattled Rep. George Santos Monday touted his first 100 days in office and announced in a tweet his bid for re-election. 

Already furious 3rd Congressional District constituents are fuming. 

Santos is taking credit for constituent services and bills passed, and announced what constituents call unthinkable -- a re-election bid after duping voters during his first campaign. 

All of it prompted outrage outside his Douglaston office. 

"He seems to like fame, even if it's infamous," constituent Shelley Rudes said. 

"It's to serve himself, so my reaction is completely disgusted," constituent Jonathan Rudes said. 

HIs latest filings show a deficit in donations -- a paltry $5,300 in the last quarter, and $8,300 refunded to angry donors. 

"George Santos has a lower approval rating than traffic on the Long Island Expressway," said Nassau County Legislator Josh Lafazan. 

Things got personal when Lafazan tweeted Sunday what his own credentials are, prompting Santos to retort "Real like your chin?" 

Santos staffers then chimed in, mocking Lafazan's chin implant, needed to correct an airway obstruction. 

"It's an example of moral bankruptcy for a member of Congress to attack a member of their constituency. I had jaw surgery which saved my life," Lafazan said."He decides to make fun and me and his staff, we pay their salaries, make fun of me... it is bullying." 

Opponents say a futile re-election attempt is just milking the lifestyle. 

"Why not raise more money? Why not break some more laws? Why not continue to get whatever cash he can get while the grift is still good? He's still a congressman," Jodi Kass Finkel of Concerned Citizens of NY-03 said. 

Santos has some supporters. The Washington, D.C. Young Republicans have invited Santos to a networking event. 

"The Washington, D.C. Young Republicans are proud to welcome all Republican members of Congress who are willing to engage with the next generation of conservative powerbrokers in Washington – as long as they're not a RINO," a spokesperson for the group said. "Congressman Santos stands out among the freshman class of GOP members with a consistent conservative voting record to date. The people of New York's 3rd Congressional District voted for Congressman Santos to be their representative, so we believe they deserve that representation in Congress."

"We never had an imposter in Congress before. He does not represent the will of the people," Finkel said. 

Well-known political names are already mulling a run against Santos. His own party leadership, Nassau Republicans, have denounced him as a sociopath and will aggressively primary him, if he's not ousted first. 

"The Nassau County Republican Committee is focused on the future, and George Santos has no place in upcoming Nassau GOP campaigns. We will not nominate George Santos for re-election to Congress or for any other office. The serial liar has disgraced the House of Representatives and has deceived the public. His actions and comments have been designed to mislead the public about his background, qualifications and virtually every other facet of his public persona," Nassau County Republican Committee Chairman Joseph Cairo, Jr. said. 

In his tweet, Santos says his re-election is "about taking back our country and restoring greatness back to New York." 

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