After bitter meeting, Wisconsin panel to order recount Trump wants in two largely Democratic counties

Madison, Wisconsin — The Wisconsin Elections Commission voted late Wednesday, after an hours-long and often-contentious debate, to issue an order Thursday to recount ballots cast in Milwaukee and Dane counties, as requested by President Trump. His campaign paid the $3 million required for the recount and issuing the order was expected to be a pro forma move, but it instead resulted in nearly six hours of arguing.

The partisan fighting before the recount even started likely foreshadows the battle that lies ahead.

"It's just remarkable the six of us in a civilized fashion can't agree to this stuff," Democratic commissioner Mark Thomsen said hours into the debate.

CBS News' Adam Brewster said a major takeaway from the bitter meeting was that this could be an ugly recount fight with battles that end up in court. There were several times when commissioners suggested issues that they were discussing may ultimately be decided in court.

The commission, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, argued over changes to its manual that provides guidance to local elections officials over how to conduct recounts. Ultimately, they decided not to reference the manual in the order, but they did update some parts to reflect accommodations for the coronavirus pandemic.

The commissioners deadlocked on making changes to the manual that Democrats and elections commission staff said would bring the guidance into line with current state law. Republicans balked, saying the guidelines shouldn't be changed after Mr. Trump filed for the recount.

Their inability to agree leaves in place guidance that says absentee ballot applications must be approved as part of the recount, even though commission staff said that's not required under the law.

Democratic commissioners said they were certain the recount, which the counties must complete by Dec. 1, was headed to court even though Mr. Trump's claims were without merit. Democrat Joe Biden carried Wisconsin by 20,608 votes and he won Dane and Milwaukee counties by a more than 2-to-1 margin.

Board Chair Ann Jacobs, a Democrat, said Mr. Trump's allegation that election clerks mailed thousands of absentee ballots to voters who hadn't requested them was "absurd," "factually bizarre" and a "vague, paranoid conspiracy."

"What we ought not be doing is watering that plant of baloney," she said.

"I would be delighted to see this commission actually function," Jacobs said during one of the fights about language in the recount manual, CBS News' Brewster said.

Republican commissioners Dean Knudson and Bob Spindell questioned whether election observers would be treated fairly by Democratic county clerks in Milwaukee and Madison. At one point, Knudson even appeared to question whether absentee ballots requested through the elections commission's state website were invalid because of how the requests are recorded.

"I hope we haven't created a system at WEC that entices people to request a ballot that actually isn't in keeping with the law," he said.

Democrats dismissed Knudson's concerns as outlandish, noting that the system has been in place unchallenged for years.

Thomsen said Mr. Trump was challenging the validity of the election only because he lost, but he had no problem with Wisconsin's election rules in 2016 when he won by fewer than 23,000 votes.

The fight in Wisconsin had echoes of what happened in Michigan on Tuesday. Republicans on a canvassing board for the county that includes Detroit temporarily stopped certification of the vote after claiming that poll books in certain parts of the majority-Black city were out of balance. The deadlock brought claims of racism from Democrats before the board later voted unanimously to certify the results.


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