Trump's Massachusetts headquarters vandalized

LITTLETON - Donald Trump's Massachusetts campaign headquarters were vandalized with a spray painted phallic image, a swear, and the word "Nazi" in large letters, CBS Boston reports.

Authorities say the paint will be cleaned off after the vandalism on the front entrance of the controversial Republic front runner's Littleton location has been fully documented.

Vandalism discovered at Donald Trump's Massachusetts headquarters in January. CBS Boston

Police have already spoken to the building's owner as well as to Trump's campaign manager. Detectives plan to view surveillance video from area businesses, according to the station.

"These types of acts are surprising and certainly not representative of the kind of town that Littleton is and the kind of people who live in this community. People have a right to express their views and disagreements, but the line is drawn at criminal behavior and vandalism," Police Chief Matthew King said.

He promised a "full and thorough investigation."

Littleton is about 35 miles northwest of Boston.


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