This Morning from CBS News, Oct. 13, 2014

Dallas Ebola Spreads

Was it a failure in protocol procedures that lead to the infection of a Dallas nurse with Ebola? Or perhaps two high risk and "very unusual" procedures performed on Thomas Duncan resulted in the contamination?

Airport Ebola screening

JFK is the first of five airports to add this enhanced screening for Ebola, but some members of Congress worry, is it enough?

Ebola politics?

A second case of Ebola confirmed on U.S. soil over the weekend has raised fresh questions in Washington about how prepared the Obama administration is to prevent the virus from spreading at home. Two questions being asked: Does the U.S. need an Ebola "czar?" And where is the Surgeon General?

Keeping Baghdad

What will it take to keep ISIS out of Baghdad? As the Iraqi Army fights to clear and stabilize a security zone around the nation's sprawling capital city, CBS News' Elizabeth Palmer got to see something of a rarity in the region; territory the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) had, but lost.

Kassig family speaks

American Peter Kassig, who now goes by the name Abdul Rahman Kassig, has been held by ISIS for over a year. After his appearance in the group's latest execution video, the Kassig family decided to go public. They sat for their first television interview with CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan and spoke about the demands they cannot meet.

Government surveillance?

A surprising conversation with FBI Director James Comey about our lives online, not only the criminal menace but also snooping by agencies like the FBI. What does America's top cop think of government surveillance? Well, you'd be surprised.

El Chapo

For the top cops of U.S. law enforcement, Joaquin Guzman was public enemy number one, a title not bestowed on anyone since the gangster era of Al Capone and John Dillinger. He earned that status by putting more narcotics on American streets than anyone in history. "60 Minutes" correspondent Bill Whitaker shows how in February, el Chapo was finally caught.

War on Leaks

An unexpected advocate for NY Times' Jim Risen in the government's War on Leaks. As head of the NSA, Michael Hayden often tried to quash some of Risen's reporting but now, as "60 Minutes" correspondent Lesley Stahl reports, he's speaking up for the Times reporter.

Recovery Miracles

As an addict's life is taken over by the substance he abuses, their lives and those of loved ones are often filled with tragedy, chaos, worry, and fear. Best-selling author Gabrielle Bernstein, joins the #14Days challenge to talk addiction, recovery, spirituality, and.... miracles.

Michael Keaton

Michael Keaton was a stay-at-home dad in the 1983 movie "Mr. Mom." At 63, he now has a new movie coming out, and an interesting story to tell to Lee Cowan about where he's been.

Madeline turns 75

"In an old house in Paris, that was covered with vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines ... The smallest one was Madeline." For generations of children, those familiar lines signal the beginning of another tale of "Madeline."

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Money Watch

What is causing market uncertainty?

A harsh financial lesson for Philly teachers

The Pebble smartwatch gets a lot savier


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