This Morning from CBS News, May 14, 2015

Train simulator

As investigators search for the cause of the Philadelphia Amtrak derailment, many are asking if the crash could have been prevented. The answer is "yes," according to backers of something called "positive train control." David Begnaud reports on the new technology that lets a computer take over the controls of a train if it detects "engineer error."

Nepal search

The search is on for missing U.S. Marines who were in Nepal aiding the earthquake relief effort centering around the area of Charikot, Nepal. CBS News Correspondent Seth Doane reports six Marines and two Nepalese soldiers were on board the chopper that went missing.

Rest at ease

Only once before this week has President Obama invited foreign leaders to talks at Camp David. Today, the president is bringing leaders or representatives of the six Gulf states to Camp David. It's the perfect setting for Mr. Obama's unexpressed goal - allaying their concerns about the Iran nuclear deal being negotiated.

Alcohol impaired USSS?

Two United States Secret Service agents who drove a government vehicle within a few feet of a suspicious package near the White House were "more likely than not...impaired by alcohol," a government report to be released today concludes. One of the agents involved plans to retire in the wake of the investigation, multiple sources confirm to CBS News.

Power grip

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is no stranger to the use of brutality to cement his control over the country. Two years ago he executed his uncle and chief deputy, Jang Song Thaek, and a cadre of advisers, for alleged treason. But his latest execution of defense chief Hyon Yong Chol raises questions about how firmly he views his grip on power, even as experts believed he was beginning to show some signs of governance.

When pigs fly

If you think you are seeing more four-legged flyers, that's because it's easier than ever for them to ride in the cabin. CBS News travel editor Peter Greenberg reports on how some passengers are taking advantage of a law meant to protect the disabled. CBS News put the law to the test by seeing if a pig could fly as emotional support pets.

Use or lose

As more states make same-sex marriage a legal option, some companies are delivering an ultimatum to gay employees: Get married, or your partner will lose their benefits.

Dreams of AI

Gray Scott -- philosopher, speaker, artist, and self-described "techno optimist" -- spends his time imagining what the future might look like. One of his passions these days is exploring artificial intelligence and how it will transform society. His positive take on artificial intelligence comes as a counterpoint to those who fear that AI will replace good-paying jobs with robots and maybe even pose a mortal threat to humanity.

Jorge Posada

Jorge Posada played his entire career with the New York Yankees. It was one of the most successful eras in the team's history. The retired catcher has a new book called "The Journey Home: My Life in Pinstripes." CBS News Correspondent Mark Strassmann spoke to Posada about his family, big league baseball and the steroid era that tainted the game.

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