Sunday: Sen. Mike Lee, the fight against ISIS, and a July 4 book panel

Senate Republicans postponed action on their bill to replace Obamacare this week, and leaders are now scrambling to craft a new bill that will attract both conservatives and moderates in the party. Meanwhile, in Iraq and Syria, the fight against ISIS is intensifying as coalition forces move on Raqqa, the terrorist group's regional hub.

This Sunday, Face the Nation brings you the latest news from home and abroad, plus a special Fourth of July book panel.

We'll talk with Sen. Mike Lee, a conservative Republican from Utah who's voiced concerns about the health care reform bill Senate GOP leaders unveiled earlier this month. Lee wants the bill to go further in uprooting Obamacare, but some moderates in the Republican caucus already think the cuts in the bill are too deep. Can Lee and the other conservative holdouts be persuaded to support a bill that also satisfies the center? What specifically would they like to see tweaked? We'll also talk with Lee about his new book, "Written Out of History: The Forgotten Founders Who Fought Big Government."

We'll get a report from the front line of the fight against ISIS from CBS News Foreign Correspondent Holly Williams, who's been in Raqqa with coalition troops who are trying to oust the terrorist group from its self-declared capital. What is the progress of the fight there? And what's next?

We'll also get an in-depth look at the remarkable documentary "City of Ghosts" from filmmaker Matthew Heineman and Syrian journalist Abdalaziz Alhamza. The film documents the efforts Alhamza and other citizen journalists have made to document the atrocities Raqqa has suffered at the hands of ISIS amid the war in Syria. We'll ask the two men what they can tell us about the civil war, and whether there is any hope for peace.

We'll have a special July 4 book panel, featuring Lynne Olson, author of "Last Hope Island," Sally Freeman, author of "The Jersey Brothers," the New York Times' Peter Baker, author of "Obama: The Call of History," and John Farrell, author of "Nixon: The Life."

And as always, we'll ask our expert political panel to break down the week's news, including the furor over President Trump's personal attacks this week against a female journalist. This Sunday, we'll be joined by Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus, Hoover Institution fellow Lanhee Chen, editor-in-chief Ezra Klein, and Boston Herald columnist Michael Graham. 

It's going to be an exciting broadcast, so make sure you tune in (or at least set your DVR this holiday weekend!) Check your local listings for airtimes.

And if you're a fan of Face the Nation, check out the "Face the Nation Diary" Podcast for a recap and analysis of the week's news every Friday. You can listen and subscribe on your phone's Podcast app or on the iTunes store.


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