Sunday: McConnell, Mulvaney, Graham, King

The Republican controlled Senate passed its version of tax reform early Saturday morning with a simple majority, but Congress will still need to reconcile it with the House-passed version and come together on an agreement to fund the government for the rest of the year.

Meanwhile, Friday brought a bombshell development in special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian election meddling: Trump's former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to FBI officials about his interaction with a Russian envoy. Flynn acknowledged in a written statement that he was cooperating with the Mueller investigation.

We'll talk with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Sunday about the Senate's passage of tax reform, the next steps in the push to get a bill to the president's desk, and more.

Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney will also be on "Face the Nation" to discuss Republicans' next step in the push to codify their tax proposals. Does he believe that both chambers can rally and hammer out their differences before the president's Christmas deadline?

Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, will join the program to weigh in on the tax debate as well as this week's provocative behavior from North Korea, which fired a ballistic missile potentially capable of reaching the U.S. We'll also get Graham's reaction to the latest developments in the Russia investigation. 

Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, was a vocal opponent of the Republican tax bill, and he'll will join anchor John Dickerson to offer his take on the proposed reforms. We'll also ask King, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, how that panel's Russia investigation is going, and we'll get his take on Flynn's guilty plea and more.

As always, we'll have our expert political panel to analyze the busy news week. National Review Senior Editor Ramesh Ponnuru, Associated Press Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace, Atlantic Senior Editor Ron Brownstein, who's also a senior political analyst for CNN, and Vox Editor-at-Large Ezra Klein will round out the program.

It's been another busy week, so check your local listings and tune into "Face the Nation" this Sunday. 


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