Poll: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in a virtual tie in Iowa

Businessman Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are in a virtual tie in Iowa where the primary season kicks off next Monday at the caucuses.

A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found 31 percent of likely GOP caucus goers in Iowa back Trump, a few points ahead of Cruz, who received 29 percent support.

The poll found 13 percent back Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and no other GOP presidential candidate received more than 7 percent support. These results are unchanged from the last poll conducted in mid-January.

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Two percent of GOP caucus goers said they still remain undecided, the new survey found, and even 39 percent of people who named a particular candidate said they could still change their mind.

Just under a quarter said they would definitely not support Trump and the same amount said the same for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Twelve percent said they wouldn't back Cruz.

Trump leads Cruz among those who describe themselves as somewhat conservative and voters who say they're moderate or liberal. Cruz, by contrast, leads Trump among Evangelicals, Tea Party members and those who say they're very conservative.

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The latest numbers are similar to the results of a CBS News battleground tracker poll released Sunday, which also found Trump is leading in Iowa with 39 percent support. Thirty-four percent said they back Cruz. Thirteen percent said they back Rubio.

The Quinnipiac survey polled 651 likely Republican caucus goers between Jan. 18 and 24 with a 3.8 percentage point margin of error.


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