"Direct hit on music": Stars reeling from Paris attacks

The music industry is reeling from the Paris terror assault, which killed dozens of concertgoers as well as three music industry insiders. U2's Bono calls it a "direct hit on music."

One of the prime targets -- and the most deadly -- was a rock concert at the Bataclan Concert Hall. The majority of victims were music fans who had gathered for an Eagles of Death Metal performance.

Following the deadly assault, some bands cancelled similar events to pay their respects, including U2, who were due to perform in Paris over the weekend, reports CBS News correspondent Mark Phillips.

Concertgoer escaped just as bullets began to fly in Paris attack

It was a big decision -- one of the shows was to be broadcast on HBO -- but the band's leader Bono told Irish radio sometimes the show cannot go on.

"The cold-blooded aspect of this slaughter is deeply disturbing and that's what I can't get out of my head," U2's Bono said Saturday on radio.

But in Stockholm, Madonna did perform, dedicating a song to the victims and tearfully telling fans why she took the stage.

"I feel torn. Like why am I up here dancing and having fun when people are crying over the loss of their loved ones?" she said. "However, that is exactly what these people want to do. They want to shut us up."

Variety reporter Elizabeth Wagmeister isn't surprised by Madonna's and Bono's reactions.

"They have been up on stage performing for thousands of people. They can only imagine being on stage and being attacked," Wagmeister said. "So of course they're going to get emotional, probably more so than a normal person."

Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato all posted tributes to the victims on Instagram. The Deftones, a California metal band, added: "Some of us were in attendance at the Le Bataclan, and the rest of our family, just blocks away on this night." The group called off their two planned performances at the venue this week.

A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on

Hello all- Much has been said, as well as seen, on every media outlet about the events in Paris. Some of us were in attendance at the Le Bataclan, and the rest of our family, just blocks away on this night. We have been to Paris many, many times, and we've had some of the most amazing shows in this tremendously electric city. With this being said, and with our deepest condolences, love and respect to everyone affected, and to all of us who share this planet, we must return home to our loved ones. We will return when appropriate. For ticket holders, we will have more information soon, so please hang tight. Until then, please never forget the power of gathering, and one of the most unbelievable feelings of all: that P.M.A. With much love and respect, Deftones

A photo posted by deftonesband (@deftonesband) on

The Foo Fighters, who were supposed to play in Paris Monday, cancelled the rest of their European tour out of respect. Coldplay also pulled the plug on a live stream of their concert this weekend.

Where shows, elsewhere, did go on, the Paris massacre hung over them like a dark cloud. Placido Domingo led the Metropolitan Opera in a stirring rendition of the French national anthem.

And music has been part of the reaction in Paris as well. Street piano concerts have become a feature of the city, such as one near the Bataclan, where a pianist played "Imagine," John Lennon's plea for peace.

"Music is a universal language. It brings people together. And they can bring joy in these deep times of sorrow," Wagmeister said.

A potentially larger target Friday night was the soccer game between France and Germany, where suicide bombers blew themselves up apparently trying to get in.

There's a game scheduled tomorrow in London between France and England. Both teams have chosen to go ahead with the game.


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