U.K. royals consider appointing a "diversity chief": "We are listening and learning, to get this right"

Gayle King: Prince Harry glad to have started a conversation with his father and brother

Buckingham Palace is considering appointing an official to lead diversity efforts, according to a royal source. The move comes after Buckingham Palace conducted a review of its policies and programs currently in place and found that not enough progress had been made.

A source told CBS News that a formal "diversity chief" position within the Royal Households was "something that has to be considered," but that it was "too early for any firm plans to be announced."

"We are listening and learning, to get this right," added the source, who called diversity "an issue which has been taken very seriously across the royal households."

"We have the policies, the procedures and programmes in place but we haven't seen the progress we would like and accept more needs to be done, we can always improve." 

The ongoing work to address diversity "has been underway for some time now and comes with the full support of the family," the source said.

It is understood that those efforts predate Prince Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah Winfrey earlier this month. The couple spoke at length about what they say they experienced within the royal institution and at the hands of the British press, which led to their decision to step down as working royals last year.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex had harsh words for their treatment by Britain's tabloid media, but the most disturbing allegations were of mistreatment and neglect by members of the royal family. Meghan and Harry said that a member of the royal family had spoken to the prince about "concerns" over how dark their son's skin would be. The name of the family member was not revealed, but Winfrey later said that it wasn't Queen Elizabeth or her husband Prince Philip.

Queen and family criticized for their response to accusations made by Prince Harry and Meghan

In a statement issued a couple days after the Oprah interview by Buckingham Palace, the queen said her family was "saddened" to hear "how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan."

"The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning," the monarch said. "While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately."


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