Maryland students told to remove Confederate flag clothing

BRUNSWICK, Md. -- At least two students at a Maryland high school were asked to change out of clothes displaying the Confederate symbol.

School district spokesman Michael Doerrer says the students at Brunswick High School wore the Confederate symbol Tuesday. The Frederick News-Post reports Tuesday also marked USA Day. During the event, the school encourages students to wear patriotic colors in honor of Spirit Week.

Doerrer says the school doesn't ban Confederate symbols, but administrators can ask a symbol to be removed on a case-by-case basis if it proves disruptive.

Brunswick High Principal Nancy Doll says administrators spoke with three students who "cooperatively and respectfully" changed their clothing.

Last month, about 20 students at Christiansburg High School in Virginia were sent home for refusing to shed their Confederate flag gear.

More than 20 Christiansburg High School students are out of class last month after wearing Confederate flags on their clothing. Justin Ward/WDBJ7

Confederate symbols have come under increased public scrutiny since the June 17 massacre of nine black worshippers at a Charleston, South Carolina, church. The man charged had been photographed holding the Confederate battle flag.


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