Jacob Blake's family focuses on community building during Trump's visit to Kenosha

Kenosha residents split over Trump's visit amid racial unrest

While President Trump visited Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday to meet with law enforcement and tour areas damaged by violence following the police shooting of Jacob Blake and the killing of two protesters, many came together to focus on community building.

"We need a president that's going to unite our country and take us in a different direction," Blake's uncle, Justin Blake, said as a crowd cheered.

The family held a "Justice for Jacob" rally that offered resources often lacking in the African American community — voter registration and COVID-19 testing.

When asked how his nephew is doing, Justin Blake responded, "He's hanging in there, bro. His disposition and his just outgoingness is starting to return a little bit. His personality starting to light up the hospital, and everybody's seeing who little Jake really is."

The president did not meet with Blake's family during his visit Tuesday.

Justin Blake, left, uncle of Jacob Blake, participates in the "Justice for Jacob" rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. CBS News

Jesse Franklin lives in the neighborhood where Jacob Blake was shot. He said before last Sunday he never protested a day in his life. Now his grassroots group, Black Lives Activists of Kenosha, is leading a local movement.

"What woke me up is it happened right across the street from my home," said Franklin. "I have kids, that man's kids was in that car, that could have been me, and that's why it touched on me; that's why I felt the need to step up and have a voice."

While Jacob Blake continues to recuperate, some local Trump supporters hit the streets of Kenosha and said they hope the president's visit will also help the town heal.

"A lot of people lost a lot of things," said Steven Fani. "We just need to stop being divided by our differences. No one's going to win if this keeps up."

"We support God, we support Trump, and we are praying for our country," said another supporter of Mr. Trump, who did not provide her name.

Police and National Guard members were on hand to monitor what were at times heated, but mostly peaceful protests.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice continues to investigate the shooting and have reviewed 28 related videos, including the two that have gone viral on social media. Kenosha police do not wear body cameras.


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