Family credits unlikely object -- Jeep -- with saving house from Nor'easter

WAREHAM, Mass. -- A Wareham man is grateful that a large tree smashed into his Jeep during a powerful Nor'easter that hit the East Coast on March 2, 2018, reports CBS Boston. The reason? The SUV may have prevented something far worse from happening.

It's not often that you celebrate your choice of parking spots. But Glenn Sharpe has good reason to — and so do his mom and sister.

"The noise was so loud it sounded like the whole house exploded," Deborah Watson said.

Sharpe had driven to East Wareham to help his family get through the storm, so he parked his Jeep in the driveway.

"If I had parked it anywhere else I thought I should have parked it, we would have had a different story for you," Sharpe said.

When a large pine was uprooted, it fell across the Jeep, which acted like a wedge and kept the tree from slamming into the house.

Family members could have been seriously injured or killed," Sharpe said.

His mom and sister were in a corner bedroom, which could've taken a direct hit.

"We feel good now. We have lights and we got  our lives. So we're happy," Sharpe's mother said.

Crews will now be tasked to figure out how they'll remove the tree that now leans precariously over Watson's rooftop.

Watson knows her good fortune is rooted in her son's Jeep.

"If that wasn't there, I wouldn't be here," she chuckled.

Glenn hasn't been able to reach his insurance company yet.

He's hoping he'll only need a new fender. But if it's worse than it looks, he's OK with that too.

"I'm just grateful I parked there. I'm sure I can get another vehicle," Sharpe said.


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