Chris Evans wonders: Is Captain America a virgin?

Chris Evans has played Steve Rogers/Captain America in multiple Marvel movies (with more to come), so one would assume he knows the hero pretty well.

In a new interview ahead of the upcoming "Avengers: Age of Ultron," the actor mused on one aspect of his character that has nothing to do with superpowers or beating bad guys: his love life.

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"It's funny when you think about it -- he's probably a virgin. [Laughs.] He's probably a virgin! I don't know when it would've happened," Evans said during an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

Well, being frozen underwater for decades -- and then saving the world again and again -- probably doesn't leave much time for romance.

"He's probably just a good guy. He was probably holding out for [love interest] Peggy Carter and he's a little more old-fashioned in that sense," Evans added. "These are a lot of things that I think are giant conflicts, but they're also very personal conflicts. He's a very human guy. That's why I like him."

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" opens in U.S. theaters on Friday. Head to for more of Evans' interview.


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