Boston prosecutors paint hate-filled image of Tsarnaev

Prosecutors work to shatter Tsarnaev's fun loving image

BOSTON -- Terrorists recruit new troops online, and today we saw how Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was enlisted in the unthinkable in Boston.

The defense admitted on day one Dzhokhar Tsarnaev "did it." But they've portrayed him as a typical, fun-loving college student led astray by an overbearing brother.

Today, prosecutors did their best to shatter that image.

They showed the jury links to dozens of hate-filled speeches of radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki found on Tsarnaev's laptop.

FBI computer expert Kevin Swindon explained how he also discovered downloaded articles, YouTube clips and music about Jihad dating as far back as 2010.

Prosecutors attempted to show a more dire picture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in court Thursday. CBS News

The laptop contained every issue of al Qaeda's magazine, Inspire. One featured an article titled "Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom."

Earlier, jurors saw just what kinds of damage a homemade bomb can do. They were shown a picture of a pressure cooker embedded in the side of a car. Prosecutors say it was thrown at police in a standoff four days after the marathon bombing.

Bomb fragments were found on lawns, on roofs, and sticking out of the sides of houses.

And a modified toy remote control found in the stolen Mercedes the brothers used to trigger the pressure cooker bomb.

Court has adjourned for the week. But next week prosecutors will turn the jury's attention back to the marathon bombing itself. Explosives experts have reconstructed the bombs used that day.


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