Bob's Blog: ISIS on the move, 2016 in full swing, looking back at Vietnam

(CBS News) -- Events are moving fast in the Middle East, where ISIS has captured two key cities in Iraq and Syria in the past few days. These developments have raised new questions in Washington about President Obama's strategy to fight the militant group, and whether we are doing enough.

And back home, lawmakers on Capitol Hill are debating some major legislation, including a bill that would end the NSA's bulk collection of phone records. And many are wondering if Democrats will block President Obama's trade agenda as the fast-track bill moves on the Hill.

We'll talk to Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee and has blasted President Obama's anti-ISIS strategy as being both ineffective and "immoral."

So what needs to be done in the wake of ISIS' big gains? We'll talk to Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California, who is the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee.

To break down all the ISIS news, and to figure out what it all means, we'll talk to David Rohde of Reuters and Rajiv Chandrasekaran, who was the Washington Post's bureau chief in Baghdad.

Finally, we'll take a special look back at the Vietnam War, which ended 40 years ago. The Newseum is opening a new exhibit on the war, and we'll sit down with some of the reporters who covered it. We'll talk to Peter Arnett, who was with the Associated Press, David Hume Kennerly, who was a photographer for United Press International, Laura Palmer, who worked for ABC and NBC, and CBS News Senior White House Correspondent Bill Plante.


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