Congresswoman Barbara Lee tests positive for COVID-19

Omicron becomes most common COVID-19 variant in U.S.

Representative Barbara Lee has tested positive for COVID-19, she tweeted Tuesday. The California congresswoman said she is fully vaccinated and received a booster dose and is experiencing "cold-like symptoms."

"I know it could have been much worse had I not been vaccinated," the 75-year-old Democrat wrote. "I'm so grateful for the miraculous work of vaccines & urge everyone to get vaccinated & boosted!"

The announcement comes as the nation sees a sharp increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, with Omicron now the most common strain in the U.S. On Tuesday, President Joe Biden announced a new plan to tackle the highly transmissible variant, including manufacturing 500 million at-home tests, opening more COVID-19 testing sites and sending troops to hospitals in need of staff.

Lee is the latest member of Congress to announce a positive COVID-19 test amid the nationwide surge in cases. On Monday, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker tested positive for the coronavirus. Both said they are vaccinated and boosted and were experiencing mild symptoms. Representatives Jason Crow, Nicole Malliotakis and Matt Cartwright have also tested positive in recent days.

Meanwhile, White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that Mr. Biden was in close contact with a White House staff member who later tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday. Mr. Biden — who is also vaccinated and boosted — took an antigen test on Sunday and was negative. He will continue to get tested, the White House said.

Health officials reiterate that the best way to stay protected against hospitalization and death is to get vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19.


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