"Stronger, fairer, better America": In final pitch, Clinton urges supporters to vote

Obamas and celebrities join Clinton in final rallies

Hillary Clinton’s last campaign trip didn’t end until about 3:30 a.m. Tuesday, but dozens of supporters were waiting as her plane arrived north of New York City. Clinton and her husband greeted people in the crowd. 

Clinton is trying to set a good example, voting bright and early at her neighborhood polling place at Douglas Grafflin Elementary School in Chappaqua, New York. Her campaign believes victory is well within their grasp, if their supporters do their civic duty and vote, reports CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes. 

“You know, North Carolina. You’ve got to vote!” Clinton said, capping her 17-month bid with a raucous midnight rally.

“If you believe we need to do more to support working families with affordable child care, paid leave and equal pay for women, then you have to vote,” she said, followed by loud cheers.

Full Video: Hillary Clinton speaks at Philadelphia rally on the eve of Election Day

Earlier, a record crowd of more than 33,000 cheered her on in Philadelphia, where she needs to run up the score Tuesday to win the state.

“Every person who lives in Philadelphia lives within five blocks of your polling place,” Clinton said.

The Clintons and Obamas joined forces at Independence Hall, ending a campaign not only for Clinton, but to protect the president’s legacy.

“I’m betting that men across this country have no problem voting for the more qualified candidate, who happens to be a woman,” Obama said. 

There’s been little time to dwell on the history she could make Tuesday night.

Controversies – hers and his – have dominated the election and led to epic clashes.
“I regret deeply how angry the tone of the campaign became,” Clinton told the crowd in Philadelphia.

Her campaign admits battleground Florida will be close, though they think they will win in the end. Ohio and Iowa will be a reach, and North Carolina could go either way.

“Years from today, when your kids and grandkids ask you what you did in 2016 when everything was on the line, you’ll be able to say you voted for a stronger, fairer, better America,” she said in North Carolina. 

Clinton plans to keep a low profile Tuesday. She’ll do some radio interviews from her home in Chappaqua, then head into Manhattan to where she will hold her election celebration at the Javits Center, in a room that is conveniently equipped with a glass ceiling.


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