$1M bond set for former La. mayor in child porn case

GONZALES, La. - Bail has been set at more than $1 million for former Sorrento mayor Wilson Longanecker Jr., who was arrested last week on 40 counts of child pornography.

The Advocate reports state District Judge Jessie LeBlanc set the bail at $1,025,000. Longanecker remains in the Ascension Parish Jail in Donaldsonville.

Longanecker's arrest on Oct. 23 was the result of a joint investigation of the state Attorney General's Office Cyber Crime Unit, Homeland Security Investigations, State Police and the Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office.

Last week at Longanecker's home in Sorrento, authorities say investigators found 40 pornographic videos of children between the ages of 3 and 14 engaging in sexual activities or being posed in a sexual manner.

It was unclear whether he has an attorney.


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