Do you have one of these 10 scary jobs?

Just in time for this year's Halloween scare-fest, Career Builder has put together a list of jobs that invoke fear in the hearts of many. Sure, some of us like these sorts of things, but for lots of people, these jobs cause weak knees and churning stomachs. Somebody has to do them, but we're sure glad it isn't us.

Or is it? Do you do one of these scary jobs? (Of course, regarding the first one, most of us find having politicians scarier than being a politician.)

1. Politician: The U.S. has 56,857 politicians/legislators.

  • Median hourly pay: $9.89
  • Average salary for U.S. senators and members of the House of Representatives in 2014: $174,0001
  • Scary for those who fear: responsibility, accountability to a large number of people, rejection.

2. Microbiologist for infectious diseases: The U.S. has about 20,800 microbiologists.

  • Median hourly pay: $32.61
  • Scary for those who fear: germs, Ebola, accidentally leaving the hazmat suit at home.

3. Security guard at a teen pop idol concert: The U.S. has just over 1.1 million security guards.

  • Median hourly pay: $11.62
  • Scary for those who fear: getting trampled by screaming tweens.

4. Kindergarten teacher: The U.S. has 158,084 kindergarten teachers (non-special education).

  • Median hourly pay: $24.12
  • Scary for those who fear: germs, temper tantrums, shaping the minds of America's youth.

5. Crime scene investigator: The U.S. has 128,432 detectives, criminal investigators and forensic science technicians.

  • Median hourly pay: $35.75
  • Scary for those who fear: blood, the disappointment on people's faces when you tell them the job is nothing like it is on TV.

6. Animal trainer: The U.S. has 32,360 animal trainers.

  • Median hourly pay: $12.03
  • Scary for those who fear: animal attacks, allergy flare-ups.

7. Mortician: The U.S. has 27,505 morticians, undertakers and funeral directors.

  • Median hourly pay: $22.83
  • Scary for those who fear: dead bodies, silence, zombie attacks.

8. Radio, cellular and tower equipment installers and repairers: The U.S. has 16,213 of these high-climbing jobs.

  • Median hourly pay: $21.59
  • Scary for those who fear: heights.

9. Stand-up comic: The U.S. has 37,272 jobs in the entertainment and sports industry, which includes comedians.

  • Median hourly pay: $16.89
  • Scary for those who fear: public speaking, awkward silence.

10. Parent: The U.S. has too many parents to count.

  • Median hourly pay: not nearly enough.
  • Scary for those who fear: almost all of the above fears.

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