Talking Points: Trump Supporters See Travel Ban As Promise Fulfilled

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – President Donald Trump's temporary travel ban has prompted protests in Minnesota and around the country. But among his supporters, the ban is extremely popular.

When then-candidate Trump campaigned in Minnesota two days before the presidential election, he singled out the state's history as a hotbed of terror recruiting as a reason to halt immigration from certain countries. The thousands in the crowd at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport cheered loudly.

For his supporters, his executive order temporarily banning immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries is simply Trump delivering on a key campaign promise.

Janet Beihoffer, a Republican National Committeewoman from Minnesota and an enthusiastic Trump supporter, was a guest on WCCO Sunday Morning.

"Trump supporters -- and even people who were not initially on board with him -- are thrilled because he is doing what he said he would do," she said. "He is really taking action."

While the president is drawing praise from his base, opinion polls show he is not winning over the rest of the country. A CBS News poll out last week says that just 40 percent of Americans approve of the job he is doing while 48 percent disapprove.

That is the lowest approval of any president just after his inauguration since Gallup began measuring in 1953.

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