The 2023 Holidazzle canceled due to short funding

No Holidazzle in 2023, organizers cite shortage of funds

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — A long-time winter tradition will not be happening this year.

The organizers behind Holidazzle said they could not raise enough money to hold it this year.

"Wish we could be in a different position, but this is where we're at today," said Steve Cramer, President and CEO of Minneapolis Downtown Council.

"It is not lost on us that this event will be one that our community misses, but we're very focused on what is the future-forward of holiday and winter programming look like downtown," said Leah Wong, Vice President of External Relations for the council.

Holidazzle received funding from sources like local government and major local companies, but it just was not enough this year, council spokespeople said. Cramer called it "sponsorship fatigue," that sponsors are already spending a lot of money on the many other city events.

(credit: CBS)

"There are a lot of civic events looking for funds. Those events are becoming more expensive and in the end, the numbers just didn't work for us to do Holidazzle," said Cramer.

"It's something that we'll miss out on for sure," said Caleb Crossley, Founder of Fawkes Alley Coffee, a non-profit coffee shop in the Loring Park neighborhood.

"We were hoping to do hot cocoa and some other kind of different seasonal specials to coincide with Holidazzle," said Crossley.

Crossley said he wishes the city approached his small business ahead of the announcement.

"Just in an effort to find a solution or find some way around it to try to make sure this event happens. Just because it's a really important event for the community and just bringing life and energy to this space in Loring Park," he said.

The downtown council said they are confident Holidazzle will be back in 2024.

Until then, they're inviting people to share their memories on the Holidazzle website, as well as their vision for the future of the event.

"What are those future experiences and specifically what is Holidazzle in the future, so that we can continue to invite folks, not only from Minneapolis and the suburbs, but across the state," said Wong.

There are many downtown experiences you can still attend this holiday season. You can find those on the council's website.

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