Gov. Walz travels to Norway for signing of state partnership program

WCCO team heading home after Nat'l Guard training in Norway

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- On Tuesday, Gov. Tim Walz traveled to Norway for a four-day trip highlighting Minnesota's half-century relationship with the Nordic nation's military.

Additionally, Walz attended the official signing of the State Partnership Program, as well as meet the country's King Harald V.

"Amid global uncertainty, maintaining close relationships with our allies is more important than ever," Walz said. "I am proud of Minnesota's long standing military exchange program with Norway and am committed to building on this unique and exceptional relationship during this visit and for years to come. These international trips help tell Minnesota's story on an International stage, promoting Minnesota business and strengthening our military ties."

The relationship between Minnesota and Norway represents the longest-running military exchange program between any two nations.

Norwegian Reciprocal Troop Exchange (NOREX) began as a simple handshake between the Norwegian Inspector General and the Chief of the National Guard in 1973.

All last week, WCCO's Reg Chapman and photojournalist Tom Aviles were embedded with the Minnesota National Guard as they underwent training. Chapman and Aviles captured troops as they learned how to survive in the most brutally cold conditions. They scaled windy mountains, built ice walls, and dug out snow caves.

The official State Partnership Program signing ceremony will be held in Trondheim, Norway.

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