Ex-Gov. Ventura endorses Walz: "This election is too important"

Ex-Gov. Ventura endorses Walz: "This election is too important"

MINNEAPOLIS -- On the heels of former President Donald Trump's surprise endorsement of Republican gubernatorial candidate Dr. Scott Jensen, former Gov. Jesse Ventura has issued his endorsement for incumbent DFL Gov. Tim Walz.

"As an independent statesman, I don't believe in the major political parties. Since leaving office, I've rarely endorsed a candidate for office in Minnesota – of any political persuasion. But this election is too important. That's why I'm endorsing Governor Tim Walz for reelection," Ventura said in a video he released overnight.

He said that one of the reasons he is endorsing Walz is connected with the events of Jan. 6, in which a number of Trump supporters stormed the capitol as the results of the 2020 presidential election were being certified.

"Our Democracy is under attack. Almost two years ago, the former president and his cronies spread the Big Lie and sent seditionists to invade the U.S. Capitol on January 6th," Ventura said.

Former Governor Jesse Ventura Endorses Governor Tim Walz by Tim Walz for Governor on YouTube

Walz issued a statement upon the endorsement:

"Jesse and I don't agree on everything, but we agree that this election is too important to sit out. Whether it's protecting our democracy or protecting reproductive rights, the future of our state is on the ballot."

Earlier in the week, Jensen as well as secretary of state candidate Kim Crockett picked up Trump's endorsement on Truth Social.

Trump said Jensen "will bring Minnesota back from the brink."

"Strong on both fighting crime and delivering solid and sensible education, the results will be quickly seen -- and there won't be any more fiery takeovers of police precincts," Trump said. "Minnesota will be great again."

The endorsement came as something of a surprise. In a statement, Jensen said while his campaign has not "actively sought the endorsement of political leaders, we are grateful for those who have recognized our ability to lead and heal Minnesota."

Walz told WCCO he was "not surprised" that Trump endorsed Jensen.

"I think if there are folks out there who believe the election is a lie and that COVID was a small respiratory illness, or some of those things, it may help with them, but Minnesota is not governed by conspiracy theories," Walz said.

GOP Responds

The Republican Party of Minnesota issued a statement, saying Ventura is a "well-known extremist and conspiracy theorist who has claimed 9/11 was an inside job." 

"As a Vietnam veteran, I am appalled that Gov. Tim Walz would seek and tout the endorsement of such a discredited conspiracy theorist," said Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman David Hann. "Jesse Ventura claimed 9/11 was caused by the government and that all of our country's wars were started under false pretenses. This endorsement is an embarrassment and shows that Walz is losing and desperate for support. Tim Walz owes every military family and those of 9/11 victims an apology."

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