David Groves: 2018 Election Guide

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We reached out to all Minnesota candidates running for U.S Senate, Governor, U.S Congress, Attorney General, Secretary of State and State Auditor this fall. Candidates were asked to provide a two-minute video discussing their platform as well as answer a set of our viewer's questions.

Above is the video and below the answers David Groves provided. This is not a paid advertisement nor does WCCO endorse any candidate.

Responses from David Groves, DFL candidate for U.S Senate:

Should Immigration Customs Enforcement -- ICE -- be abolished, and replaced with a different agency to control immigration crimes?

Immigration Customs Enforcement-ICE- was formed in response to a handful of immigrants coming to America, attending flight school in Volusia Florida, then murdering more than 3,000 Americans, injuring more than 6,000 Americans and causing $3,000,000,000,000 in damage. Senator Klobuchar must believe Minnesotans have forgotten this fact because, when in February 2018 Senate Leader McConnell set aside an entire week to fix immigration and DACA Senator Klobuchar was a member of the "resistance". These 800,000 kids (virtual citizens) are real people Senator Klobuchar not political pawns. Why isn't immigration fixed Senator Klobuchar?

Changing agencies names cost money. How much more in taxes would Minnesotans be required to pay to change ICE?

When politicians refer to negative stories as "fake news", do you believe it?

I don't know what "it" is. I gage politicians by the results of their actions.

Should the President be permitted to unilaterally raise tariffs on US imports, or should Congress be required to vote before tariffs are imposed?

I am generally oppose to tariffs, but starting with NAFTA Minnesotans and all Americans have been cheated by bad trade agreements.
So far I believe Treasury is giving the President good advice on how to fix these bad trade deals. We'll see. The old saying 'The fastest way to sink a ship is have two captains'. Congress oversight yes legislation no - for now.

Should able-bodied Medicaid recipients be required to work?


Do you believe North Korea will "denuclearize," as President Trump says it will?

North Korea will denuclearize and live long and prosper or North Korea's ability to wage war will be erased. Time will tell.

Do you believe in climate change, and should the U.S. rejoin the Paris climate accords?

Climate change is real. Minnesota and America should be building OTEC https://newatlas.com/otec-plant-lockheed-martin-reignwood-china/27164/ and selling them worldwide. The oceans are large solar collectors, the energy is there for the taking Minnesotans should be building the machines to harvest the energy.
As far as rejoin a Paris committee to talk about the problem instead of fixing the problem I would need to know how much more in taxes would Minnesotans be required to pay.


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