Angie Craig (DFL): 2022 Election Guide

Angie Craig: 2022 Election Guide

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We reached out to all Minnesota candidates running for U.S Congress this fall, as well as all statewide contests. Candidates were asked to provide a two-minute video discussing their platform as well as answer a set of political questions.

Above is the video 2nd Congressional District candidate Angie Craig provided. Below are her answers to the questionnaire.

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Do you oppose or support abortion rights?

I am a strong supporter of reproductive rights for women. I've voted twice to codify Roe into law at the federal level - because I believe that no government – and no politician – should have a say in the private decisions between a woman, her family and her doctor.

Do you believe there should term limits be set for members of U.S. Congress? For Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court?

Yes. I cosponsored legislation to limit members of the House to six consecutive terms and members of the Senate to two consecutive terms. Enacting term limits will help us reform Washington.

In the wake of alleged fraud related to COVID relief funds, what needs to be done to continue investigating fraud of this kind and magnitude, and uncover just how much of it occurred?

The level of fraud that we saw in the Feeding Our Future case is disturbing. The idea that anyone would break the law, and with funding that's meant to go to needy children during a public health emergency, is absolutely despicable.

As a member of Congress, I am 100% committed to fighting for accountability at the federal level and ensuring that vital oversight is conducted in cases like this. Everyone involved in this case should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 

Do you believe Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States?

Yes, Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States, and I was proud to certify his election.

Do you support Biden for Democratic nominee in 2024? Do you support Trump If he seeks the Republican nomination in 2024?

I'll work with anyone to deliver for Minnesotans. President Trump signed four of my bills into law, and I'm proud of the results we have been able to deliver with the current Administration over the past two years. But, I do believe that we need a new generation of leaders in the Democratic Party, and I will do everything I can to help those new leaders up and down the ballot.

What is responsible for inflation and what steps do you advocate to stabilize and lower soaring prices?

We're rebuilding from a once-in-a-generation pandemic, an imbalance between supply and demand and pressure on our supply chains and an international oil crisis brought about by Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. But right now, it matters less how we got here and more what we are doing to fix it.

Every elected official in America should feel an urgent need to lower prices for working families in the grocery aisle, at the gas pump and at the pharmacy. In August, I helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce the deficit, lower health care costs and energy bills for working families and increase domestic energy independence – all without raising taxes on the middle class. And earlier this summer, the House passed my Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act, which included two of my bills to help lower prices at the pump and grocery store.

It's critical that Congress continue to take immediate steps to address inflation and provide some relief to our constituents  – and I'll keep pushing both parties to make that happen. 

Should politicians be allowed to trade stocks?

Absolutely not. If a Member is not willing to give up their individual stock portfolio to take on the greatest privilege of all – public office – they are not worthy of that seat.

That's why I did so myself before being sworn into office personally. As a Member, I introduced legislation that would require members of Congress to completely divest from their stocks in publicly traded companies – mine is one of the strictest stock trading bans proposed in Congress. 

What is the government's responsibility when it comes to climate change?

Whether it's wildfires on the West Coast, flooding and droughts here in the Midwest or hurricanes in the Gulf Coast, we are seeing the effects of climate change every day. We cannot afford to wait any longer to take action if we want to preserve a healthy planet for our children and our grandchildren to grow up on.

It's time we chart an "all of the above" energy approach: one that creates jobs, increases energy independence, accelerates our transition to renewable energy and keeps costs affordable for middle class families. That's why I voted for the Inflation Reduction Act – because we can fight climate change and increase energy independence at the same time, by accelerating our investments in renewable energy right here at home. 

Do you agree with President Biden's plan to forgive $10,000 of student debt for most Americans who have outstanding student loans?

Though the decision to cancel $10,000 of student loans provides some relief to borrowers, it does little to address the skyrocketing costs of higher education in the United States, and I do not feel that any President should be able to spend $400 billion without congressional approval.

We need to work to address the root problem and make college more affordable in this country. That means increasing educational opportunities for students of all incomes and zip codes and making sure they know that two year college and CTE programs are excellent alternatives to getting a four year degree. The bottom line is that we must do more to ensure they are prepared for a successful career without taking on significant financial burdens. 

Do you believe there should be laws enacted to put limits or ban automatic weapons sales in the U.S.?  

My support for the Second Amendment goes hand-in-hand with my support for common sense gun safety legislation. That's why I helped pass the bipartisan Safer Communities Act this summer and why I'll keep pushing for reforms like universal background checks and limits on assault weapons sales.

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