Local actor, 'Moonlight' star, Alex Hibbert tells young: 'Follow your dreams'

Local actor, 'Moonlight' star, Alex Hibbert tells young: 'Follow your dreams'

MIAMI - We first met up with actor Alex Hibbert back in 2017 when he was just 12 years old and getting a haircut at Frank's Barber Shop in Miami Gardens. 

It was the day before he and his fellow schoolmate and costar Jaden Piner were both heading out to the Academy Awards in Los Angeles for "Moonlight." 

CBS4's Lisa Petrillo asked him back then about how excited he was for the film being nominated for 8 awards. 

"I was just excited that we got nominated for one, but to see eight was amazing," said young Alex.

The Miami-based film went on to win 3 Oscars, including Best Picture.

"This is where I got to escape, this is where I got to express myself. This was my therapy," he said recently as we caught up with Hibbert, now 18, visiting his former school auditorium at Norland Middle School.  It's where he spent most of his time.

"For a young Black boy, I needed a safe space. I needed a safe space, and this was my safe space you know. Mrs. Cidel created that," said Hibbert.

A safe space from the streets and a talent noticed by a discerning music theater teacher known as Mrs. Cidel.  

She's been teaching visual and performing arts at the school for 22 years.

"Ms. Cidel saw my talent. I don't know why. She just trusted me. Believed in me," he said.

Today, Hibbert is still acting. He's been in films and had a leading role in Showtime's hit series The Chi.

On this day, Hibbert thinks he's here to meet and work with the theater kids and that was a big part of the day.

"I want you to know you guys can do anything in this world," he said to the students cheering him on.

But there was more. A surprise. His former co-star and schoolmate Jaden Piner was there as well.

"This my brother right here. This is my dukes right here. Me and him, taking over Hollywood," he said.

Both young men were happy to reunite at the place where it all began.

"I haven't seen Alex in so long. it brings back all the memories we had, said Piner.

Their message to the students who have dreams as they did is clear.

"I want to let the youth know, you don't have to just play basketball or go to a 9 to 5 job to fulfill what your mom wants you to do. Follow your dream," said Alex.

And as for Mrs. Cidel, a proud moment all around that continues to push forward.

"It just makes me so proud. This is what you live for. As a teacher, we don't do it for money. We do it because you see the change it makes," said Tanisha Cidel.

Jaden continues to audition for roles and is now focusing on computer science as a student at Tennessee State and Alex is slated for season 6  on The Chi, one of the longest-running series on Showtime!

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