Researchers Believe This is Why Social Media Is Hard To Resist

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MIAMI (CBSMiami) -- Researcher say they may know why social media is so hard to resist.

Because it makes us feel good, according to Allison Eden, a Michigan State University Assistant professor.

Eden along with researchers from the Netherlands took on the question and conducted two studies to answer it.

Researchers found that even brief exposure to Facebook or a related image like a logo or a screenshot causes a pleasurable response for those who use social media frequently.

That pleasurable response, in turn, could trigger a craving for social media - making it hard to resist.

They believe exposure to Facebook is what they call a 'learned response' - like when a child learns that misbehaving gets them attention or when a dog being trained learns that if they pee outside, they'll get a treat.

Eden says these learned responses are hard to break.

"People are learning this reward feeling when they get to Facebook," Eden said.

As for a solution, Eden says it's about removing some of the cues from your environment like taking the Facebook logo off your cell phone home screen.

While it may take some work, Eden says those trying to unhook from social medial are not alone.

"Media, including social media, is one of the most commonly failed goals to regulate," she said.

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