'Recovery Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint': Feeding South Florida Helping Victims Of Hurricane Michael

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PEMBROKE PARK (CBSMiami) -- The local response to Hurricane Michael has been tremendous. Several South Florida agencies and volunteers are in the Florida panhandle trying to help those who feel so helpless.

But you don't have to travel there in person to help because you can help those in need simply by adding a few more items to your grocery cart or making a monetary donation.

With the destruction after Hurricane Michael, people are in need of even the most basic necessities.

That's why Feeding South Florida is stepping in to help our neighbors to the north.

Early Friday morning, a packed truck began its trek up to the Panhandle equipped with snacks and water.

"You know people lost their homes. They were literally lifted up off of the ground. Hotels collapsed. Families are really struggling there," said Feeding South Florida Vice President Sari Vatski.


The organization is sending another truck out Friday night which will have more  water and pop-top canned goods.

"The more food the more water the more supplies we can get to the just to ease their pain right now is really important," said Vatski.

After these major shipments, Feeding South Florida needs to bring more goods in before they can roll out again.

Tuesday from 6-8:00 p.m., the organization is holding a Hurricane Help-a-Thon, to help sort items to send out to the victims of Michael.

Other items they need include cleaning supplies, hygiene products, and diapers.

"Recovery is a marathon not a sprint. And it's just beginning," said Vatski.

If you don't want to donate items, you can make a monetary donation.

For every dollar donated to Feeding South Florida, they can provide six meals.

Click here for more information.

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