Clinton To Call For End Of Cuban Embargo

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TALLAHASSEE (CBSMiami/NSF) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will use an appearance Friday in South Florida to call for lifting the United States' decades-old embargo against Cuba, according to a release from her campaign.

Clinton is scheduled to speak at 11 a.m. at Florida International University in Miami, amid heavy debate about U.S. relations with Cuba.

President Barack Obama has re-established diplomatic relations with the United States' longtime adversary, touching off widespread objections from Republicans.

In the release Wednesday, Clinton's campaign said she will "highlight that Republican arguments against increased engagement are part of failed policies of the past and contend that we must look to the future in order to advance a core set of values and interests to engage with Cubans and address human rights abuses."

Lifting the embargo would require congressional approval.

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.

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