Clinton Campaign To Organize Latino Voters

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NEW YORK (CBSMiami/AP) — Ahead of early primaries in Florida, Texas and Colorado, and the Nevada caucuses, Hillary Clinton's campaign is planning a major push to organize Latino voters.

The Democratic presidential candidate will be in South Florida on Friday. Clinton, who will sit with Telemundo for an interview Friday in Miami, fared well among Latino voters during her unsuccessful primary campaign against Barack Obama in 2008. Hispanic voters gave Obama a significant edge against Republican Mitt Romney in the 2012 elections.

This time, Latinos are poised to play a more prominent role in the primaries as well, beginning in Nevada, which follows Iowa and New Hampshire on the calendar. After that, Hispanics are expected to be a key constituency in March contests in Florida, Texas, Virginia and Colorado.

Clinton's pitch, called Latinos for Hillary, will also extend to Hispanic lawmakers and elected officials, and will include an address next week to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's annual meeting in Washington.

"She's shown a deep commitment to the issues that Hispanics care about over a long period of time. This isn't somebody who showed up, decided to run for president and then a lightbulb came on and she decided to reach out to the Hispanic community," said Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, who will campaign for Clinton in Nevada following the Oct. 13 debate in Las Vegas.

Clinton unveiled her immigration policy during a May campaign stop in Las Vegas, where she told high school students that any immigration legislation must include a path to "full and equal citizenship." She has defended Obama's use of executive actions to shield millions of immigrants from deportation and said she would go further if Congress fails to act.

The campaign views immigration as a major policy contrast against the Republican field, which has been marked by businessman Donald Trump's summertime characterization of Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers and by candidates using the term "anchor babies." The reference to children who gain citizenship when born in the United States to noncitizen parents is considered an insult by many Latinos.

That message has been amplified in social media. Clinton's team noted footage of her response to Trump's comments during a speech to the National Council of La Raza — Clinton said, "basta," or "enough" in Spanish — became the campaign's most popular video, with nearly 8.5 million views.

Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., a Clinton supporter, said the immigration discussion among the Republican candidates has helped Clinton with Hispanic voters. "There's no question there's a clear line, night and day, between Hillary Clinton and all of the other candidates," he said.

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