L.A. County Fire Department canine search-and-rescue teams head to Maui

Relief efforts converge after devastating Maui wildfires

As the death toll from a wildfire that destroyed a historic Maui town climbed to 93, first responders from the Los Angeles-area were preparing to fly to the region to assist with search-and-rescue efforts. 

Three canine teams from the Los Angeles County Fire Department's Urban Search and Rescue California Task Force 2 (CA-TF2) were expected to depart Sunday from LAX. The team was activated Saturday by FEMA.

In a statement announcing the dispatch of these disaster responders, the LA County Fire Chief Anthony Marrone said, in part, "We send our Maui ohana strength and our support during this difficult time."

Authorities have warned that the effort to find and identify the dead was still in its early stages. The blaze is already the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century, according to the Associated Press. 

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