Caught On Video: Peeping Tom Staring Into Young Girls' Bedrooms, Taking Photos In Pasadena

PASADENA (CBSLA) -- Parents in Pasadena have reported a peeping Tom who was apparently caught on camera twice at different homes looking into the bedrooms of teenage girls.

"He was there about 45 minutes, looking through the fence, taking pictures we think, very comfortable, walking around her driveway," said Melanie Robbins.

She said in early September, this man was caught on camera on her neighbor's property, looking through the fence into her 12-year-old daughter's bedroom.

"He was peering through the slats so from their side you could completely look and see her laying in her bed," she said. "I was scared, devastated, I was very emotional, I didn't want her to be alone. We didn't let her sleep in her room after that."

Robbins said she soon began hearing of other similar incidents in her community. Then late last week, her friend told her possibly the same man was caught on camera doing the same thing at her home. When her friend saw what was going on, the man ran away.

"She was very disturbed, very upset, her oldest daughter that it had happened to...was 19, just graduated high school," Robbins said.

Robbins and her friend have filed police reports, but Robbins said there are at least three other incidents -- in addition to theirs -- in the last two months.

"There's lots of children in our neighborhood and I'm just very concerned for someone because at that time he didn't go into anyone's room but who knows if he gets braver and does," she said.

Robbins is urging other parents to make sure to be vigilant. She said the man has a distinct walk, wears gloves, a ski mask and the same hoodie, but he's not wearing any shoes. She added that the suspect is hitting homes where he knows children live.

"It just so happens that all of the children were honor roll students and they had couple of weeks ago put honor roll signs out in our yards," she said. "We would like for him to be caught."

Pasadena detectives said they are investigating and looking into whether the same suspect is involved in all of these incidents. Anyone with information is asked to call the Pasadena Police Department.

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