Black Lives Matter Demonstrators Gathered And Marched In The Fairfax District To Remember George Floyd And Continue Calling For Justice

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) - A gathering of Black Lives Matter activists and supporters in the Fairfax District Sunday was held to continue the cries for social justice, for defunding police and for fighting against systemic racism.

The demonstration comes on the heals of the conviction of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, a case that sparked nationwide protests last summer. Many of the demonstrators at the Fairfax District rally say that conviction is only a first step in a very long journey.

"The conversation is still ongoing and just because we have this little bit of victory, we can't get comfortable. We can't get complacent. We have to continue showing up," Jennifer Turner, a demonstrator, told CBSLA. "...we have to continue showing the world that we're going to keep this up until there's some type of more justice."

Redondo Beach resident Kim Isaacs told CBSLA's Laurie Perez that the justice system in the US is messed up and that the most effective way to be heard is showing up to events that draw attention to these issues.

"...what's happening in this country is an assault on Black and brown people. And we can't live our lives freely," she said.

Since last June, a racial awakening is taking place across the country Christine Yisuh said and Asians are finding their voices in the movement.

"We are seeing the pattern clearly, that when communities of color stand together, we can dismantle white supremacy and that's why we're here today.

Demonstrators marched to the intersection of Third Street and Fairfax Avenue and blocked traffic while a speaker addressed the crowd from a flatbed truck. The crowd then marched peacefully toward The Grove.

"Our justice system is really screwed up," Isaacs said. "People can show their support for Black and brown people by coming out to these kinds of demonstrations."

Organizers told CBSLA that the city should expect these marches and demonstrations to continue because the Chauvin verdict is proof that protests are effective.

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