Why Is Jim Harbaugh More Idolized At Michigan Than Lloyd Carr? [PHOTO]

By: Evan Jankens

If I were a Michigan football fan, I wouldn't understand the new photo addition that just went up at Schembechler Hall, according to assistant football coach Greg Frey's Twitter account.

The caption says, "Great new addition to Schembechler Hall! This group leads college football in VICTORIES! Leaders and Best! #GoBlue."

In the photo are the head coaches of the University of Michigan from the past and present.

Here is where I get really confused: The center of the photo is Bo Schembechler, which it should be. Next to Bo is Jim Harbaugh, as big as Bo, and on the other side is Lloyd Carr who appears to be a little smaller than both Bo and Harbaugh. Underneath Bo is another photo of Harbaugh.

This is where I need the help of the Michigan football fan.

Why are there two photos of Harbaugh but the Lloyd Carr (solo) who actually won a national title and managed to beat Ohio State is only on the photo once? How does Harbaugh get more appearances on the coaching tree than the almighty Bo (solo, he is pictured in the upper right with a coaching staff)?

I don't really understand why this man is so idolized when he hasn't accomplished anything while at the school. Is everything at Michigan now based off hoping and wishing?

Carr got as much real estate as Brady Hoke and Rich Rodriguez which should make Michigan fans irate.

Please help me out and explain to me why Jim Harbaugh is idolized more than Bo and Lloyd within Schembechler Hall?

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