The Snack Attack: Gold Emblem Abound's New Spicy Sriracha Popcorn Packs A Peppery Punch [TASTE TEST]

I just got home from camping in Michigan's Thumb and nothing makes you appreciate living in a city more than being in the middle of nowhere. Aside from a lone McDonald's or Dairy Queen, fast food is basically nonexistent in the tip of the thumb. The closest Burger King was over an hour away! You're basically left with family diners and pizza from the party store. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not my cup of tea. I like having access to everything, which is something I apparently take for granted sometimes.

Anyway, back to snacking. A few weeks before I left, I received a package from CVS Pharmacy with a sample of their new Gold Emblem abound Heavenly Light Spicy Sriracha Popcorn. I brought a bag on my trip and it ended up being my go-to snack for the entire week.

The popcorn is so light and fluffy, but at the same time packs a powerful punch of spiciness. It's the perfect snack for summer if you want a treat that won't weigh you down. Plus, it's a guilt free snack -- it's made with 100% whole grain corn and free of artificial preservatives and flavors.  I know, CVS isn't exactly the first place that comes to mind when you think of snacking, but maybe you'll want to put it on your radar. Their Gold Emblem grocery line includes more than 250 different products.

Review: Gold Emblem Heavenly Light Spicy Sriracha Popcorn

Enlarged to show all the spicy details (Credit:

Appearance: You can definitely tell this popcorn is covered in seasoning. Some pieces look darker orange than others, and those are the treasure treats -- you know, the first pieces you reach for because they're literally drenched in seasoning. I'd say a good 40 percent of this bag was treasure treats, which is pretty impressive.

Aroma: This is going to sound weird but it doesn't exactly smell like popcorn and it doesn't smell like sriracha sauce, either. I get a slight hint of vinegar with a dash of chili powder.

Taste: WOW! I have to say I was honestly, and pleasantly, surprised that this popcorn actually has a little kick to it. I'm usually underwhelmed by sriracha-flavored products because they typically aren't spicy or don't taste like sriracha at all. This snack fulfills both conditions where others have failed. Your tongue won't be burning off, but you might want to have a drink on hand if you plan on having more than a handful. Plus, it will help to wash down those pesky kernels that somehow stick like glue to the inside of your mouth. The popcorn itself is fluffier than I was expecting, too, which is one of the great things about this snack, it's not greasy and it won't weigh you down. You can eat a generous amount without feeling like a Mack truck. And did I mention it pairs great with beer? Because it definitely does!

Pros: A light snack that is actually spicy. It's perfect when you want something spicy but don't really want to eat a lot, or feel like you're eating a lot.

Cons: I can't say anything negative about the taste, because it is delicious. But my complaints here are the exact same complaints I have with popcorn. The kernels are annoying and some pieces are hard because they aren't fully popped. Luckily, no pieces were burnt!

Rating: 7 out of 10 -- Nothing against the flavor, but against popcorn in general. I hate getting those kernels stuck in my teeth.

The Snack Attack is a feature on that centers around all things food. Know of a new snack we should attack? Send an email and we'll be sure to add it to the list.


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