Mighty Ducks 4 In The Works?

By: Evan Jankens

There are a few movies that I can watch anytime they are on TV, those being, "Ghostbusters 1" and 2, "Shawshank Redemption" and "Mighty Ducks 1,2" and yes even the third installment.

I don't know what it is about the movies but I can't get enough of Goldberg or Charlie Conway -- and in the second movie I thought the girl goalie whose character was Julie "the cat" Gaffney (Colombe Jacobsen-Derstine) was smoking hot.

This morning I saw there is a possibility that the fourth movie could actually happen!

Time.com did an entire tribute to the movies and some of the actors hinted that a fourth movie could happen.

Jordan Kerner, who was the producer of the films, had this to say:

There have been a number of times that we have discussed with the studio the idea of either bringing it back and bringing it back possibly with one or two of the guys who are now in their thirties as the coaches, and having a few more of them be their friends in their lives and having the kids come back. And I've been pitched a story two or three times. It hasn't been the right story yet, but the idea of doing that is something Steve and I have talked about and actually Disney and I have talked about. So I'm not going to fuel the rumor mill that it's going to happen, but I'm saying to you that the studio said to us, "We'd be interested if you come to us with the right story." And that's something that we've been all thinking about independently and I think that we may be coming closer to having the right idea for that.

I know the third movie wasn't the best, and maybe putting them into a private high school and having them on the JV (since they just won a gold medal) and facing the varsity was far-fetched, but come on! How great would this be.

Adam Banks could be called a "cake eater" again, the knuckle puck would be in full effect and Fulton Reed could intimidate a few others.

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