Landscaping Tricks To Make Your Home More Secure

By Lori Melton

Burglars often target breaking into homes that give them the easiest opportunity, with the least chance of getting caught. Installing deadbolts on doors and extra locks on windows and patio sliders are common, inexpensive ways to improve security on your home itself. But, you can also use several landscaping tricks to enhance security via your home's exterior. Check out our list below.

Bush Barrier

Windows at the front of your house can be a potential entry point for burglars. Beyond installing extra locks and window grids, you can plant tall bushes, such as column bushes, directly in front of the window that create a barrier to the window itself. Chances are a thief isn't going to risk getting scratched or making nose by trying to climb through the bushes to get to the window.

Footprints in Flower Beds

Flower beds add beauty and curb appeal to your home's landscape. They can also potentially record critical break-in evidence for police by catching a thief's footprint and maybe even some DNA. Therefore, planting beds in and around popular access points could prove to be helpful if an unwanted break-in occurs.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

Keeping tall trees and overgrown shrubs trimmed are great home security enhancers. Look at tree branches surrounding your home from a burglar's perspective. Trim back any overhanging limbs that give would-be thieves easy access to windows or might also block street view. Also, thick, overgrown shrubs are great hiding places for burglars. If you keep the shrubs regularly trimmed, an intruder will lose a potential hiding spot.

Gravel Beds and Walks

Gravel in flower beds and lining front and rear walks is a pretty visual design enhancement. If an intruder steps on the gravel while trying to access your home, the "crunch" sound can be a great alert, especially if you have a dog who is trained to bark when intruders enter your property. Thieves always want to remain undetected. So, if they see "noise-makers" like gravel on your property, they may avoid your house and seek out a "quieter" option.

Privacy Fence

Determined burglars may be willing to scale any kind of fence if they are desperate enough to get into your house. However, a privacy fence can block out a view of your home and rear entry points, which may ultimately make it less desirable for a break-in.

Exterior Lighting  

Keeping the exterior of your home well-lit, especially around the driveway, garage, and front and rear doors is important for a couple of reasons. First, burglars don't want to be seen. A well-lit home exterior keeps intruders exposed, and often indicates someone is home. Therefore, they may bypass your house and look for one that is dark and appears to be unoccupied. Second, your neighbors can potentially see if someone tries to access your property if it's well-lit. If they see someone on your property, this could prompt them to contact you and/or the police. And, it could be very helpful in trying to give police a description of the crook or other important details if needed.


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