Big Brother Season 17 Episode Two: An Amazing Twist

By Mark Drum
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After Wednesday's premiere episode, last night's episode could only get better! With so much to talk about even host Julie Chen could barely get her signature "but first," trademark phrase out. There was another special guest in last night's episode that would bring an "Amazing" twist. Which now if you're keeping track of the houseguests we have 17 different houseguests currently playing but only 16 are known because the "Twin Twist," hasn't been revealed. Here's what you missed or what to get caught up to speed with what happened on the second episode of the two night premiere of Big Brother.

Meeting the next six houseguests

From Wednesday's episode as a viewer we knew there were six more houseguests to be introduced and we finally got to meet all six of them tonight! The two stand outs from this group would have to be Jason for his over the top personality and Steve who looks like a distant relative of season 14 winner Ian Terry. Before entering the house, Julie informed these six contestants about the twists that have been already revealed, as well as the other houseguests already living in the Big Brother House. However the introductions didn't last long before someone talked about the elephant in the room, the two extra chairs in the dinning area. One suspecting all-stars or a possible twist. Little did they know this twist would be a BB Take Over.

The Amazing Race Takes Over Big Brother

Phil Keoghan from the Amazing Race stopped by to talk with Julie Chen. He mentioned how thankful he was for having past Big Brother Alum on his show, like Jeff & Jordan and Brendan & Rachel. For superfan like myself I found it amusing that they left off season 4 contestant Allison from being mentioned. But it would be understandable since her partner wasn't a part of the Big Brother family. Anyways, Julie Chen said that "The Amazing Race," would be taking over the Big Brother house this week and the twist being two Amazing Race contestants entering the Big Brother House.

Last season on the Amazing Race, season 26, was the first season where they paired contestants up on the "ultimate blind date," Phil thought that Jeff Weldon & Jackie Ibarra should come and enter the Big Brother House. Julie Chen gave Phil the reigns to talk to the houseguests. The houseguests heard over the speakers the "BB Take Over" music and immediately went into the living room to find out the twist. To their surprise finding out Jeff & Jackie's entrance in the Big Brother house. Here's my first impressions of the two new houseguests.

Jeff Weldon

Hometown & Current City: Tampa, Florida

Occupation: Account Executive

  • Knowing Jeff is from the Amazing Race, already has a target on his back, especially having his partner from last season on the show as well. But to his advantage it's also a number in his favor. I believe though Jeff is in it to play the game as well as take on this experience of being in the Big Brother house.

Jackie Ibarra

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Current City: Las Vegas, Nevada

Occupation: Professional Dancer

  • Jackie had a very explosive personality on the Amazing Race and wasn't afraid to stand up for herself with Jeff. Now Jackie will have to use her social skills to get herself further in the game along with her competitive drive. Even though Jeff & Jackie say they're great friends this is a power couple the other houseguests should be afraid of/

Jason Survives Abduction to become HOH

Just like the first HOH competition it was mentioned that one houseguest had to step out of the competition. Clearly Jeff & Jackie didn't want to sit out, since they both are the odd ones out. Vanessa decided to take a gamble and sit out of the competition. Clay suggested that those who were sitting out not be nominated for eviction, which the houseguests agreed upon, making Da'Vonne who sat out on Wednesday and Vanessa safe. But this is the Big Brother house so I'm expecting the unexpected.

In this HoH competition, it tied into yesterday's competition where the seven houseguests competition were in the Big Brother movie that was talked about. The object of the competition was the hold on to the pole before the aliens abducted you. The last person to hold on would be crowned the second HoH for the week alongside James. Julie Chen however wanting to remind the houseguests that, they may be in power but could easily be nominated for eviction in the same week with the "fan favorite twist," of the return of BoB. Steve the Ian Terry look a like, was the first person to be abducted in the competition. As a superfan, Steve knows the safest move for the HoH would be to nominate the first person out of the competition, here's hoping Steve has some great social skills to get him out of that. Jeff was next to go then John and Becky. The final three were Jackie, Vanessa and Jason. In the end Jason held on the longest and promised Jackie safety to become the second HoH for the week.

My predictions for nominations & BoB

As Da'Vonne mentioned after Jason's victory in her diary room confessional, since there are two guys in power the most logical move on there part is to get rid of the girls first. However I don't see that exactly going that way. I predict that James & Jason work together to ensure either Jeff or Jackie are evicted from the Big Brother house this week. Meaning James will nominate Jeff or Jackie with another houseguests and Jason doing the same thing. If this does happen I predict James nominating Jackie with Steve and Jason nominating Jeff with Becky. The reason being Jason promised Jackie he wouldn't nominate her, but Jackie knew that didn't mean James wouldn't nominate her. For the BoB competition I believe James' nominations whomever they will be will win the BoB meaning Jason will be dethroned and his nominations would be safe for the week.

As the show was wrapping up for the night, Phil makes another appearance teasing the houseguests on another twist that will happen. This pertaining to the two houseguests who sat out from both competition, stating that with a great risk sometimes comes with a reward. Then with that Phil said he'd let them know on another day. However for us viewer's we'll be able to find out Sunday at 8pm what this twist may be for the Amazing Race Take Over of Big Brother. We'll also find out which houseguest is switching with there twin, who will be nominated for eviction and who wins BoB. This season of Big Brother will be on three nights a week on CBS. Tune into CBS Detroit 62 on Sunday & Wednesday at 8pm and Thursday at 9pm to watch and if you want to watch what happens not on air, subscribe to CBS ALL ACCESS to see the live feeds!

Mark Drum is a Farmington Hills, MI native and Big Brother fan since 2000. Mark is a graduate from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in Theatre Arts.

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