Big Brother Season 17 Episode 39 Recap: A Look Back

By Mark Drum
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I could recap the highlights part that they went through tonight, but first it's important to note who the final three houseguests are. Vanessa, the Poker Player from Las Vegas, NV; Steve, the College Student from Gouverneur, NY; and Liz, a Marketing Coordinator from Miami, FL. Each has had their own strengths and weaknesses in the game. So many emotions were seen throughout this season, however it was clear that certain alliances and people were controlling the game. Let me recap for you the parts that weren't about what happened this season, why each should win Big Brother and who I predict should win.

Part One of HOH & My Prediction

After all the looking back at memories, the competitors stepped out to the back yard to a carnival themed endurance competition. Now since it's an endurance competition, as I mentioned from the last recap I predict Vanessa will win this won. She's proven she can handle endurances and won an HOH because of it. So i won't be surprised if she wins this part of the final HOH. However Steve and Liz could pull an upset but we'll have to wait and see.

My Prediction for Part Two of HOH

For the second part of the Final HOH competition; it will involve remembering the order of evictions of houseguests. The tricky part will be remembering who were the first people. Luckily for us we don't have to worry. The order should go as such from the beginning to the latest eviction; Jace, Da'Vonne, Jeff, Audrey, Jason, Clay, Shelli, Becky, Jackie, John, Julia, Meg, James, John (again) and Austin. Since it's a memory challenge it's a toss up between Steve and Liz, if Vanessa win's the first round. However if Vanessa didn't win the first round she would most likely remember the eviction orders, as she would like to say, "has had a hand in their evictions." This would be a matter of time and I would probably predict Steve winning this round over the two women. But I'm not counting Liz out as she's proven during previous competitions she call pull a win!

My Prediction for Part Three & Eviction

The third and final part of the final HOH will be, if going by year's past, involving the jury members. The jury members will answer a question and the two houseguests would need to guess what their response was from two statements. Knowing this is a social aspect; I believe either Steve or Liz could win this final round. Vanessa has had some trouble remembering what she even said to some people, so I would find it hard for her to guess what the jury members would say. But usually there questions involve things that happen in the game, which Vanessa is good at remember, so that's her one saving grace. In the end I predict, Steve winning the final HOH and evicting Vanessa. Even though they say they have an alliance, I think Steve knows he would not win with having her in the finals. But if Liz wins she'd take Vanessa and if Vanessa wins I believe she would take Steve or Liz.

Who should win BB17?

If we're talking just game play alone, hands down the game should go to Vanessa. She's literally manipulated her way to the end. As a poker player she's used her skills to lie, call people on bluffs and find people's "tell," in the game. She used her emotions not only as a weakness but as a strength in the game, which has taken her very far. The fact that Austin has some vendetta against Vanessa just show's how sometimes a jury can be bitter. So I wouldn't be surprised if Austin convinces some people not vote for her. However she does have Shelli on her corner even though Vanessa helped in Shelli's own eviction. Again, going off game play Vanessa wins without a doubt against Steve or Liz.

Who I want to BB17?

I've had a challenge deciding who I want to win this year, especially after each episode this season. I've gone from really wanting each three, but none have been a stand out for me as far as who I want to win. If I was looking as jury member and houseguests (here's to looking at BB18!) I would want to vote for the one who played the game, had many challenges faced before them, made moves that not only changed the game but also saw a shift in power and someone who was an entertainment as well as a joy to be with.

The Cons Of The Final Three

Now purely game play as I mentioned before, Vanessa should win. But she did not have any struggle with her game. She was a part of a dominant alliance, she was very influential to all those in power and the main reason why I don't want Vanessa to win is because she didn't really have a challenge. Any challenge she did have, she created on her own. It wasn't any other player, they saw Vanessa as a target but no other houseguests really did anything to get rid of her and many just wanted to wait until the numbers got smaller. However that mentality was what cost the other houseguests and worked favorably to Vanessa. Also I just couldn't stand her crying and all the random hats she would wear.

Even though one of the twists this season was a repeat from a previous season (Season 5, Project DNA - Do Not Assume), Liz has had the most interesting journey to the final three. She kept switching with her twin Julia, for the first five weeks of the competition. After Da'Vonne figured it out, Liz luckily had allies on her side to keep herself and Julia safe. Which was the demise of the other side of the house. Liz even formed a showmance with one houseguest and became Liztin with Austin. She was in powerful alliance, but the strongest being the Austwins. I was rooting for Liz earlier in the game, but as time passed as well as the game, my passion for Liz fizzled and so did her game play. Liz relied way too heavily on Austin and Vanessa. She did however was able to win five competitions this season; 3 HOH but was dethroned once; 1 BOTB and one POV. Why I don't want her to win is she's already locked for two votes in jury from Austin & Julia. With Vanessa in jury if she get's evicted that's three and Shelli is a sorority sister of both Julia and herself, which makes it four. So then Liz would only need to convince one more person. Most importantly from the Cast Reveal, I said Liz had no shot at winning and I don't want to eat my own words.

Steve has been mentioned and seen as an Ian Terry houseguest. They're both nerds and if Wednesday goes his way will make it to finale but winning the final HOH. But Steve's journey has been a sleeper and almost a "floater" game. He wasn't really seen a threat at the beginning. He had some random vendetta against Becky and as the numbers started to dwindle, people came to Steve as oppose to Steve going to the other houseguests to form alliance. He's made some odd choices when he was in power mainly when Jackie was evicted during the Double Eviction and being a super fan playing the game way too much in his head. Steve shouldn't win because he didn't really make any big moves and he was literally on Vanessa's coattails this season.

Who will win BB17 America's Favorite?

So before the winner and my prediction for the winner will be mentioned, I think it will be a tight race between James and John. Ultimately though I predict John will win BB17's America's Favorite Houseguest. In the beginning he may have seemed odd, but America and myself include have learned to love the craziness that is Johnny Mac. James did put up a good challenge, as he was very entertaining to watch and always played the game when it mattered. It'll be exciting to see who win's the $25,000.

Who will win BB17?

By a vote of 8-1 Vanessa will win BB17. However I predict by a vote of 5-4, Steve will win. I think Steve is smart enough to realize if he were to win the final three-part HOH, he would take Liz over Vanessa. Liz would have a slight advantage over Steve with Austin and Julie but I just can't see her getting the votes to win against him. Steve would have Jackie, James, John and Meg's vote of confidence, while Liz would have Austin, Becky, Julia and Shelli's vote of confidence. The tiebreaker would come down to Vanessa and I believe whoever evicted her will get her vote.

Will my predictions be correct, tune in Wednesday at 9:30pm on CBS Detroit 62, after the Season Premiere of Survivor Second Chance for the 90-minute Season finale of Big Brother 17. If you're interested in applying for next season go to for more details!

Mark Drum is a Farmington Hills, MI native and Big Brother fan since 2000. Mark is a graduate from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in Theatre Arts.

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