Big Brother Season 17 Episode 13 Recap: Audrey The Villain Or Victim?

By Mark Drum
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Last night's episode gave me a huge headache because I really couldn't fathom how boring it was. This week continues to be the get Audrey out of the house campaign. What I don't understand is how the other houseguests aren't starting to see who the power couple of this house is and why aren't they targeting them. The power of HOH changes every week so it's a new opportunity for the power to shift. But for the Sixth Sense alliance they've been dominating the house for three weeks now. Meanwhile we were also given the opportunity to get introduced to a new boy band dubbed, "The Whack Street Boys," and someone other than John may or may not have won the POV. In the end this episode is really about Audrey, the house wants her out but now I'm starting to see Audrey as a player who tries to be a villain but is a victim to her own demise. Here's my breakdown of last night's episode.

Sort This Mess Out

Audrey continues to plant her seeds of manipulation on the houseguests. During a conversation with James, Audrey would tell him to start planning to go after Shelli & Clay. James confused by the information decides to tell those being targets and who are currently in power this information. Since James had won BOTB with his fellow nominee Jackie they dethroned Liz and kept John and Jason on the block, leaving Shelli in power. James' reasoning for telling Shelli & Clay about what Audrey had said was to win favor with them as well as show he was on their side. In reality, made a point of who's really in charge of the game, when James should really start thinking about next week. Though Audrey tried plant a seed with James, it backfired and continued to create the target on her back even bigger. This information also frustrated Shelli because she's trying to work with her and Clay is tired of the manipulations and lies coming from Audrey.

The Whack Street Boys

Jason, John and Liz created a new 90s inspired boy band called, "The Whack Street Boys," and anytime their pagers would go off they would need to report to a specific area of the Big Brother house and perform for their audience. At the start they had a "huge" crowd of supporters. However as the days and hours passed by the numbers started to dwindle. Their biggest fan would go to Jackie as she had a huge crush on Jason. This unique punishment was a great addition to the week, in the theme of the 90s. Who knows maybe they'll have a world tour post Big Brother.

A Scientific POV

Continuing with 90s week the POV was inspired by a 90s high school show. The object of the competition was to memorize the pattern of colors featured on the screen, then they'll be asked to pour a specific colored test tube into their chemistry flask. If the houseguests got it incorrectly they would be eliminated and their chemistry experiment would blow up in their face, literally. Hosted by Steve; Shelli, John, Jason along with Vanessa, Meg and James competed in the competition. I was surprised by Shelli throwing the competition so she wouldn't get more "blood on her hands," James wanted to win to save Jason and John was assuming after winning two vetoes the third would be no problem. Winning the competition was Vanessa in a round where Jason and John incorrectly guests the wrong beaker to pour into their chemistry flask. Vanessa could say she was glad she was, "Saved by the Smell."

Shelli Gives What The House Wants

With Vanessa's win, the plan to put up Audrey seemed more of a reality. Audrey sensing her impending doom tried to have a conversation with Clay, but turned into a heated argument of he said, she said. Then after Audrey picked a fight with Clay, wanted to try and clear the air with Shelli. While in the room Vanessa was also up there, who had also gave Audrey a reprieve the week before when she was HOH. The discussion of Audrey targeting Shelli & Clay came up as well as Vanessa's "unexpected" plan of nominating Jeff for eviction. Audrey would try to be a victim in this scenario, however she is the one causing her own demise. But I will commend Audrey for sticking up for herself and not be intimidated or be run by people in the Big Brother house.

A surprising turn of events was, Audrey's lack of attendance for the POV ceremony. I believe however this will be explained tonight during the Live Eviction episode. Even with her absence, Vanessa took some time to hear the two nominees into why she should use the POV on one of them and gave a speech explaining Audrey's absence. Vanessa did decide to use the POV and saved Jason. Shelli with much emotion decided to finally end her battle to keep Audrey, by putting her up for eviction against John, who is the apparent pawn.

My Prediction for Eviction & HOH

We will see our first unanimous vote for the season tonight for the live eviction episode. I predict by a vote of 10-0, Audrey will be evicted from the Big Brother house. I look forward to Julie's interview with her as well as see her reaction to the goodbye speeches and the twin twist. A little part of me hopes she somehow survives this week, but that's an uphill battle she had very little chance with. Though I would be sad to see John go if it did happen.

For a new week of power, I predict and am rooting for Steve and John to win HOH. I would like to see the non-Sixth Sense alliance members to control power. We'll just have to tune in tonight at 9pm on CBS Detroit 62 to see if my prediction are correct on the Live Eviction episode and to see who may or may not be throwing a BB Takeover!

Mark Drum is a Farmington Hills, MI native and Big Brother fan since 2000. Mark is a graduate

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from the University of Northern Colorado with a degree in Theatre Arts.

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