Big Brother Season 17 Episode 11 Recap: Jeff's Not So Amazing Finish

With the "blindside" of backdooring Jeff for eviction, he made a last ditch effort to save himself. Meanwhile the twins, Liz & Julia continue there swap and we saw a love triangle between Liz, Jeff and Austin. The houseguests had the difficult choice of evicting either James or Jeff. Unfortunately Jeff Weldon, the 26-year-old Account Executive from Tampa, FL was evicted by a vote of 7-4. Here's my recap of yesterday's live eviction.

Deciding Between James & Jeff for Eviction

Austin's master plan of evicting Jeff was according to plan. While Vanessa felt safe with her decision to nominate Jeff up for eviction because of his "integrity." For James, his main goal was to lay low and let Jeff's talking be his demise. Jeff wasn't going to leave without a fight and he was going to leave swinging. It was interesting to see his interactions with each houseguest and as he said "know his audience." He knew his audience with each houseguest to tailor how he would speak to each one to try and ensure a vote for safety. I was surprised at how much Shelli bought Jeff's tears and sadness. During her DR confessional she said she could tell if he was being emotional or trying to sell her on it. Clearly Jeff's social game was starting to show and starting to crack under the pressure. It was also interesting to see how many of the houseguest were up on the fence on who to actually evict. Jeff who has been lying to houseguests and would be a target; or James, the very likable guy who will only continue to grow in popularity with the houseguests.

No One Messes With Me & My Twins

There was a little love triangle going on in the Big Brother house. It was clear that Austin was starting to develop feelings for Liz and Liz was also feeling the same way. But Jeff also felt as though he was starting to develop feelings for Liz as well and Liz used that to her advantage. Julia however warned Liz not to be too close to Jeff as her alliance was starting to notice. Austin being a big guy, seems to have a big heart and wear his emotions on his sleeve because jealousy started to surface when Liz was in the same bed as Jeff under the sheets. When Austin walked into the room and saw that, his heart sank a little and was also angry. I was surprised that he would give up his game to fill his heart. If he wanted to do that he could have applied for another reality TV show to receive a flower or give one out. This is Big Brother and he should have his head in this game and not on his empty heart.

During the eviction it was a surprise to hear some of the comments Julie Chen said about some of the houseguests. Part of me thinks some of those were her opinions of the houseguests and/or the producers to get her to be livelier and less "Chen-bot." Even though Jeff was evicted he left the house with his head held high and embraced his former Amazing Race partner Jackie to tell her to "win it." Now in his exit interview with Julie, she really was wondering why Jeff would still root for Jackie even though they didn't really communicate as well as her game strategy wasn't like his. Jeff response mentioned being a target at the beginning due to being on another reality TV show on CBS, having a partner in this house and wanting to make sure to establish relationships with others in the house. In the end, it just wasn't enough to save him. Austin's line to Jeff about "no one messes with him and his twins," was a hilarious homage to Rachel Reilly, winner of Season 13 and contestant of season 12 as well as the Amazing Race with her now husband and former Big Brother houseguest Brendan Villegas. Then to no surprise to him, finally saw the twin reveal. Again he held his head up high and seemed to thoroughly enjoy his time in the game even though it was cut short.

My Top Three Houseguests For The Week

  • Austin - I guess his plan worked after all. He was able to convince the reigning HOH to evict his main target as well as get them backdoored. Slowly but surely getting rid of targets will draw more attention to him, so hopefully Austin will see this before he's evicted himself.
  • Liz/Julia - Safe for another week and also winning HOH doesn't hurt. They've really stepped up their game to conceal the twin twist, even though admitting it to a part of the house. Luckily the twins have a sorority sister, Shelli on their side.
  • Audrey - She continues to escape another eviction where the house wants her out. But those in power are going after other targets of their own. Audrey may just see herself to jury at least if not the finale if this keeps happening.

My Bottom Three Houseguests For The Week

  • Jackie - She's this seasons Victoria from last season, Julie Chen said it best, " She's floating through this game." However Jeff was quick to defend her and somehow floaters can make it to the end. So it will be no surprise to me if she's at finale with a chance of winning this game.
  • Becky - Yes, Becky is playing a "quiet game," Julie Chen but I wish she would do something other than float through this game.
  • Vanessa - This poker player is starting to show her "tells," as they would say. Vanessa needs to start playing the game and without emotions if she wants to get far.

My Predictions for Nominations & BOTB

With Shelli & Liz winning HOH this week, it seems as though the "Sixth Sense," will still be in power and the twins will be safe for another week. That being said, the targets this week will be clear, those who voted against James. However since Liz voted against James, I can't wait to see if she gets caught or not for that. I predict Shelli nominating John & Meg for eviction because she'll try and strike another deal with John to throw the BOTB to ensure Meg is still up for eviction. Meanwhile Liz, I predict will nominate Steve & Becky because they are both floaters in this game that need to start playing the game. However since these "Zeta," sisters are in the house they'll probably have a similar target and I predict that target is actually Jason. Continuing the trend of backdooring the target, I believe Jason is it because he's definitely a gossip as well as a threat to the "Sixth Sense," alliance. For BOTB I predict John will go along with another plan of him being nominated to throw the competition and stay on the block with whomever is nominated with him, meaning Shelli will remain in power.

There wasn't a BB Takeover this week, but a theme being "90s week!" So I look forward to seeing what other throwbacks will be brought back. Then we'll see which houseguests are nominated for eviction and which will win BOTB. Tune in on Sunday at 8pm on CBS Detroit to see if I'm correct on my predictions.

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